Life on Regenerate

Sean asked one of his fans, friends, and Regenerators to share what life is like now that she’s been Regenerating.

This is the full recording from Angela Shelton’s call.

Since starting Regenerate she’s off wine, playing the violin and loves Regen so much she eats glass for it??

Regenerate is 18 all-natural supplements. But then again, for those in the know about how the medical system wants you sick and paying for it, being thrown roadblocks is par for the course. 

We are seeing how to maneuver all the engines that ban so much truth these days, and in the meantime, we are posting on YouTube, X, Rumble, and TikTok. 

Thank you so much for helping by following, subscribing, and sharing:

You can cancel truthful posts, but you can't stop people, especially when they are getting healthier and more aware! 

We appreciate you all Regenerating! As Angela says in the above talk, it does elevate your meditation time as well since it makes your mind clear. 

Imagine what you can get done with a clear mind. 

Angela Shelton

Modeling a Ministry of Healing our FULL selves

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