Get Out in the Sun and Watch Your Body Change

Spending some time under the sun activates the Vitamin D in your body which helps prevent rickets in children and Osteomalacia in adults. Hear from Sean Gilder who brought his body back from decades of chronic pain.

As you all know your body makes its own Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to break down minerals in your body. It activates hydrocarbons, fats, and other elements so it is absorbed better.

Sean advocates and promotes a healthier lifestyle where he encourages people to eat proteins, meats, and real fat. A combination of healthy fats and direct sunlight can together work to heal your body. Be on the move. 

His Music City E-bikes program is designed to give you a community where people move with the same goal towards a healthier body and mind.

Angela Shelton

Modeling a Ministry of Healing our FULL selves

The Sad Reality of the Medical Industry


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