The One in Nashville to ask about True Health Care, Hemp, Cars, and E-Bikes
Sean Gilder went from chronic pain and working in a Fortune 50 Company
to firing his sick-care doctor, getting himself healthy, and engineering his life
to be fun and fulfilling on all levels and now he helps others do the same.
He created LUTEs to have fun off of booze.
He concocted REGENERATE to get his girlfriend off of benzos (and he discovered a gem!)
He started Music City E-Bikes to get people out in the sun, moving, and breathing!
Get CALM Clarity in 15 Min?!
It’s hard to make life changes when you are in chaos, anxiety, and stress.
I saw the need to “need” something was leading to many unhealthy habits for people,
so I researched how to get calm without the substances - and I found a way!
The Gold Concoction!
REGENERATE is a multi-pronged, multi-pathway blend of adaptogens and GABA to relax your brain and nervous system that is jonesing for alcohol and benzodiazepines.
NOT SO FUN FACT: Those “meds” they put people on for stress, anxiety, and ironically addictions,
deplete the GABA system in your brain
while providing you with a fake version of it…
GABA is a natural neurotransmitter that calms your anxiety,
especially if you're a sucker for alcohol, pills, and other addictions.
If you buy a bottle of GABA and just take it yourself, it takes WEEKS to be effective.
I created Regenerate to rush deliver GABA straight to my girlfriend’s brain—FAST.
In less than 15 mins.
👋 Hi there, I'm Sean!
Are You "Fine"?
My “doctor” said that I was fine too…
I used to sit in a cold, sterile office, collecting a paycheck from a Fortune 50 company while battling chronic pain every single day.
I have since engineered my life to be FUN, completely out of pain, and out of an office.
Instead of dealing with aches, pain meds, and nonstop doctor appointments, I ride E-bikes, collect cars, and help people get healthy out of the sick-care system as well as get over addictions and anxieties in healthy ways.
How Did I Do It?
Well, first I was told by a myriad of specialists that I was "fine" when I was clearly not.
After waiting for hours to see another fancy white coat doctor, expensive blood tests, and listening to sick-care jargon, I was told I was fine and to just take these pills…
The final straw was a top-tier white coat who had his hand on the doorknob as he casually said that I was fine as I sat there in pain covered in skin rashes to prove it.
Apparently, golf tee time was more important than my wellness.
So I fired him. Then I removed the entire sick-care system from my life.
Guess what? I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been.
As I began doing the research to actually get healthy, I discovered the truth behind the sick-care system and how it is set up to keep us sick.
I’m not playing their game.
I show you how to get out of their system, how to get yourself and your loved ones HEALTHY, and how to stay that way!
How Getting Healthy Started:
What does real health look and feel like?
First of all, we have to swallow the harsh pill that we’ve been lied to…
We are told A LOT of lies by big pharm and the MONEY train behind it.
We are told to stay out of the sun, not to eat salt, to eat a vegan diet instead of meat and other ridiculous things like the comfrey plant is dangerous.
Those lies are all systematically set in place for us to STAY sick so that the system makes more profit.
There is a way OUT!
Once I opened my eyes I was astonished by the layers of lies and poison we are fed. I left the sick-care world. I quit my corporate job. I got healthy.
I engineered my life to have more fun and make more money than the office grind.
I started Music City E-bikes to get out on bikes in the sun and have fun.
I created Lute Elixers, non-alcoholic alternatives that allow for sophisticated fun without the booze tax on your health, plus have many health benefits.
Then there was my girlfriend…
I got myself healthy, but my one loved was going down a sick-care path.
She was in a high-stress kick ass empowered female job. She was killing it. But.. just like many women who share their stress with their doctors, she was prescribed benzos.
I didn’t even know what a benzo was at the time, I just knew that my girlfriend changed when she took them and it was not fun.
She was addicted to benzodiazepines (drugs like Valium®, Xanax®, Halcion®, Ativan®, and Klonopin®
I was determined to help her.
Mom, Wife, and Medicare Consultant, Rhondi, 50s
“On one call, Sean helped me cure a long-time skin issue with one simple fix that was under 17 bucks!”

LUTE - a non-alcoholic sophisticated drink
“I love Lute! This works to calm me with a teaspoon and a whole cup sticks me to the sofa in a happy place. The added bonus is I’m off the pills my therapist wanted me on. I use Lute, I don’t need pills. Thank you, Sean!
Joann, 77-year-old repeat customer
Filmmaker and Superhero Angela Shelton, 50s
“It took me a year to listen to Sean’s advice. Once I did, I am now fully off of all pharma, I look amazing at 50, and am living a healthy life I never expected. I can truly say that Sean (who I call Jesus) saved my life! Thank you, Jesus!”
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REGENERATE is Sean Gilder’s multi-pronged concoction that has healed alcoholics and benzo addicts and can be used for hangovers for those who choose to still drink or can be used to get off booze and benzos completely.
The Gold Concoction!
REGENERATE is a multi-pronged, multi-pathway blend of adaptogens and GABA to relax your brain and nervous system that is jonesing for alcohol and benzodiazepines.